Your Blog Assignments:
1. Getting Ready - Due Wednesday, March 11th
Respond to these prompts:
If you don't have an internship yet, write about the process of looking so far:
- Where are you going?
- Who's your mentor?
- What will you be doing?
- What are you excited about learning through this internship experience?
- What are you nervous about?
If you don't have an internship yet, write about the process of looking so far:
- What strategies have you been using?
- Who have you been talking to?
- What are your next steps?
2. First Impressions from Day One - Due Tuesday, May 12th
Quick, get down your first impressions of your job before you know too much!
You might want to focus on the following:
You might want to focus on the following:
- What strikes you most about your workplace?
- What strikes you most about your colleagues? (remember this is a publicly visible blog)
- What strikes you most about the job you're doing?
- What are you excited about?
- What are you worried about?
3. "Internship Selfie" & "Internship journal" - Due Thursday, May 14th
Part One: Week One Internship Selfie
Take a picture of yourself that describes your experience of internship. Post it with a one-word caption.
Part Two: Internship Journal
Here are prompts to get you going (write about as many as you want):
You also need to comment on two other students' blog posts
Take a picture of yourself that describes your experience of internship. Post it with a one-word caption.
Part Two: Internship Journal
Here are prompts to get you going (write about as many as you want):
- What questions do you have about your internship?
- What connections can you make between this internship and what you've done in school?
- Has anything happened that's worth telling us about? Funny stories?
- What have you learned about your organization's mission and purpose?
- What new skills are you developing (or will you need to develop) for this internship?
- How are you getting to and from internship? What's it like to be commuting?
You also need to comment on two other students' blog posts
4. Mentor Interview - Due Friday, May 15th
Interview your mentor and post your findings to your blog (you can conduct this email in person, by phone, by video conference, or by email). If you've already started your internship, you'll need to skip or reword some of these questions.
Below, you'll find good questions to ask.
If you are conducting this interview in person or over the phone print out these questions, and read through them before you conduct the interview.
If you are conducting this interview via email choose 3-4 questions you most want to ask, and send them in your email (if you send lots of questions, your mentor will be annoyed).
Question about how I can be an awesome intern
Questions about your mentor
Questions about the organization
Questions about this career
A good final question
Below, you'll find good questions to ask.
If you are conducting this interview in person or over the phone print out these questions, and read through them before you conduct the interview.
If you are conducting this interview via email choose 3-4 questions you most want to ask, and send them in your email (if you send lots of questions, your mentor will be annoyed).
Question about how I can be an awesome intern
- What can I do/read in advance to be ready for internship as soon as I arrive?
Questions about your mentor
- What should I know about you before I start working here?
- What is your job title?
- What are your main duties and responsibilities?
- Why did you choose to work here?
- How did you end up doing the job that you do?
- What skills and training are necessary for your position?
- How did you acquire these skills? Through school? On the job?
- Do you consider a career in this area satisfying? In what ways?
- Is there anything you wish you'd realized about the world of work when you were my age?
Questions about the organization
- What should I know about this organization before I start working here?
- What is a typical work day like?
- How is this organization structured?
- What is the purpose of this organization?
- What does it take to be successful in this organization?
- What other advice do you have about working here?
Questions about this career
- How important is getting along with other people in your career?
- What other personality traits, skills, or knowledge are important here?
A good final question
- What questions did I not ask yet that I should have?
5. My internship project - Due Tuesday, May 19th
Describe your internship project. Include the following:
- What you plan on doing/creating.
- What skills you will need in order to make it awesome.
- What support you will need, and who you will need it from.
6. College and Career Connections - Due Thursday, May 21st
How has this experience (the internship) made you consider your college path that will ultimately lead to your career?
- Consider what you have observed and learned about your mentor or other employees at your site, and reflect on your own academic & professional preparation.
7. Internship Journal: Self-advocacy - Due Tuesday, May 26th
One of the most important skills you need in a workplace is "self advocacy" - the ability to speak up for yourself when you need support, when you're confused about something, or when you're uncomfortable with a situation.
For this blog post, please respond to the following prompt:
You also need to comment on two other students' blog posts - I know you'll be curious to see what they've been doing!
For this blog post, please respond to the following prompt:
- How have you advocated for yourself during your internship, or seen advocacy demonstrated in other situations?
- Are you following the advice in "How to be an intern everyone remembers"? If so, how is it working out? If not, what are you going to start doing?
You also need to comment on two other students' blog posts - I know you'll be curious to see what they've been doing!
8. "Photo essay" - Due Thursday May 28th
Post at least fifteen photos, with descriptions. Read this page for information about what to put in your photo essay
9. POL Preparation part 1: Your work as an intern - Due Tuesday, June 2nd
The blog posts for today and Wednesday are designed to help your prepare material for your POL presentation.
Respond to at least three prompts from the following list:
Respond to at least three prompts from the following list:
- Describe the skills & experience you had coming into this internship that have been most useful in this internship
- Describe the most important skills you have developed during this internship: what are they and how did you develop them?
- How did you make a meaningful contribution to your workplace?
- How was your work as an intern meaningful to your education?
- How did your project go from an idea or inspiration to a final product?
10. Internship Selfie & POL Preparation part 2: connections - Due Thursday, June 4th
Part One: Week Four Internship Selfie
Take a picture of yourself that describes your experience of internship. Post it with a one-word caption.
Part Two: POL Preparation
Respond to at least three questions from the following list:
Take a picture of yourself that describes your experience of internship. Post it with a one-word caption.
Part Two: POL Preparation
Respond to at least three questions from the following list:
- What qualities or characteristics do you see in the people around you that you want to develop in yourself? Why?
- How has your view of life beyond high school changed during your time as an intern?
- What new questions has your internship inspired you to ask about our world?
- How might internship influence the direction of your life?
11. My Internship Project, Explained - Due Tuesday, June 9th
In this, your final internship blog post, describe your internship project. You may want to include the following:
- Links to your final product (if it is visible online)
- Photos of the product
- A description why the project was important
- A description of the process you went through to complete the project